1. Overview
  2. Api Calls
  3. Merge-Results & Prevent Duplicates
  4. Sort Merged-Results
  5. Pagination

1. Overview

Spaces-App narrows down the viewer ('Me') people-search to colleagues and people with whom the viewer had prior Direct Conversation.

To achieve this Spaces-App does the followings:

2. Api Calls

Spaces app combines the search results of following apis.

  • Find Colleagues
    GET /users/me/colleagues?search={search-string}

    This api will search the user's colleagues

    Sample Response

             "displayname":"Alex Doe",         
  • Find people that had prior direct space history with the viewer (Me).
    The result of this api can include colleagues as well as people out-side of the viewer's company directory.
    GET /users/me/people/withdm?search={search-string}


    This api will also include all hidden direct conversations.
    Read more on how to Hide Direct Spaces here.

    Sample Response

             "displayname":"Alex Doe",
             "displayname":"Susan Doe",

3. Merge-Results & Prevent Duplicates

Due to scale and performance considerations, the user objects returned by/api/users/me/people/withdm are short-form/subset of user objects returned by /api/users/me/colleagues.

Note: For apps written in strongly typed programming languageslike Java, developers may need to consider transforming api-results to a common user objects before merge.

Sample JS Code

const searchColleagues => async(search, nextPageUrl, findAndAdd) {
  let url = nextPageUrl || 'https://spacesapis.avayacloud.com/api/users/me/colleagues?size=10&search=' + search;
  let response = await fetch(url,
    method: 'GET',
    headers: {
      Authorization: 'jwt ' + access_token,
      Accept: 'application/json',
      'Content-Type': 'application/json'
  let res = await response.json();
  let results = {...res, data=[]}
  for(var user of (res.data || [])) {
  return results


const searchPeopleWithDM => async (search, nextPageUrl, findAndAdd) {
  let url = nextPageUrl || 'https://spacesapis.avayacloud.com/api/users/me/people/withdm?size=10&search=' + search;
  let response = await fetch(url,
    method: 'GET',
    headers: {
      Authorization: 'jwt ' + access_token,
      Accept: 'application/json',
      'Content-Type': 'application/json'
  let data = await response.json();
  let results = {...res, data=[]}
  for(var user of (res.data || [])) {
  return results

const findAndAddUser => (foundUsersIds, foundUsers, user) {
  // foundUsersIds is a dictionary object for fast access.
  if(!isUserExists(foundUsersIds, user)){

const isUserExists => (foundUsersIds, user) {
  return user && user._id && foundUsersIds[user._id] ? true : false;

4. Sort Merged-Results

At this point need to sort the merge-results by user displayname.

Sample JS Code

const sortByDisplayname => (foundUsers) =>{
  return foundUsers.sort((a, b)=> return a<b);

const searchPeople => async (search) {
  let foundUsersIds = {}; // We use dictionary object to with users-ids as key for fast access                     
  let foundUsers = [];
  let colleaguesSearch = await searchColleagues(search, '', (user)=>{
      return findAndAddUser(foundUsersIds, foundUsers, user)

  let peopleWithDm = await searchPeopleWithDM(search, '', (user)=>{
    return findAndAddUser(foundUsersIds, foundUsers, user)

  return {
    foundUsers: sortByDisplayname(foundUsers),

5. Pagination

Apps implementing pagination for people search should maintain nextPageUrl and previousPageUrl for both api calls, and should go through the whole process of:

  • calling apis with their corresponding nextPageUrl or previousPageUrl
  • merge and remove duplicates
  • re-sort the merged-results